Class InitialDataLoadConfig

  • @Configuration
    @Profile("dist-data-node | !dist-query-node")
    public class InitialDataLoadConfig
    extends Object
    Configure the initial data load for the IDataLoadController, which takes place at application startup.

    The file that are loaded are:

    • configuration CSV files
    • Daily SA, IMA, and PL files:
      • If the property is set, use the dates listed here for the intial load.
      • Otherwise scan the data directory for date-named directories and load these dates.
    • Historical/summary IMA and PL files
    • Field Detail


        public static final DateTimeFormatter LOCAL_DATE_DIRECTORY_NAME_FORMAT
      • folder

        public String folder
    • Constructor Detail

      • InitialDataLoadConfig

        public InitialDataLoadConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • initialDataLoad

        public Void initialDataLoad()
                             throws IOException
      • initialLoadAsOfDates

        public List<LocalDate> initialLoadAsOfDates()
                                             throws IOException
        The set of as-of dates to include in the iniital load.

        This first looks at the property, if this is set, then load the specified dates. Otherwise, look at all the (immediate) sub-directories of the data directory and pick those whose names are dates.

        the collection of dates to load.
        IOException - if problem resolving paths