Class RiskTaskAssigner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RiskTaskAssigner
    extends Object
    implements com.qfs.snl.workflows.tasks.ITaskAssigner
    Risk task assigner.

    Whatever the group, this will forward the user task to those 2 managers.
    This is a very basic example. You may extend to consider the group before selecting the wanted users. It may also be possible to implement a small language to select competentUsers. Ex: managerOf(user1) that would return the manager of a given user.

    • Constructor Detail

      • RiskTaskAssigner

        public RiskTaskAssigner()
    • Method Detail

      • getCompetentUsersFor

        public List<String> getCompetentUsersFor​(Set<String> groupIds)
        Specified by:
        getCompetentUsersFor in interface com.qfs.snl.workflows.tasks.ITaskAssigner