Class RiskAcceleratorDefaultCellPropertiesHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    @QuartetType(description="Sets the fore color of negative numeric value to red",
    public class RiskAcceleratorDefaultCellPropertiesHandler
    extends com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.impl.DefaultCellPropertiesHandler
    A customized cell properties handler that returns a red fore color when values are negative numbers. This class is annotated with the QuartetType annotation, which makes it the one that is picked by the registry. If you want to create your own customized cell properties handler, make sure that you remove this class or at least its QuartetType annotation so that your own class annotated with QuartetType is taken into account (your class must also be accessible via the ClassPathProvider for your customization to work).
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.IDefaultCellPropertiesHandler

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.impl.DefaultCellPropertiesHandler

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected Integer getBackColor​(Object cellValue)
      The back color is pale yellow if the value is adjusted, unspecified otherwise (e.g.
      protected com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.IDefaultCellPropertiesHandler.IUserPresentationExpression getBackColorHandler()  
      protected Integer getForeColor​(Object cellValue)
      The fore color is red if the value is negative, unspecified otherwise (e.g.
      • Methods inherited from class com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.impl.DefaultCellPropertiesHandler

        getFontFlags, getFontName, getFontSize, getFormat, getFormatString, getFormattedValue
      • Methods inherited from class com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.impl.ADefaultCellPropertiesHandler

        get, getFontFlagsHandler, getFontNameHandler, getFontSizeHandler, getForeColorHandler, getFormatHandler, getFormatStringHandler, getFormattedValueHandler, getOtherHandler
    • Constructor Detail

      • RiskAcceleratorDefaultCellPropertiesHandler

        public RiskAcceleratorDefaultCellPropertiesHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • getForeColor

        protected Integer getForeColor​(Object cellValue)
        The fore color is red if the value is negative, unspecified otherwise (e.g. the GUI can choose its preferred color based on its theme).
        getForeColor in class com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.impl.ADefaultCellPropertiesHandler
      • getBackColor

        protected Integer getBackColor​(Object cellValue)
        The back color is pale yellow if the value is adjusted, unspecified otherwise (e.g. the GUI can choose its preferred color based on its theme).
        getBackColor in class com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.impl.ADefaultCellPropertiesHandler
      • getBackColorHandler

        protected com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.IDefaultCellPropertiesHandler.IUserPresentationExpression getBackColorHandler()
        getBackColorHandler in class com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx.impl.DefaultCellPropertiesHandler