Class BookParentChildWhatIfSubmitter

  • public class BookParentChildWhatIfSubmitter
    extends Object
    The BookParentChildWhatIfSubmitter service is the main way for the Parent Child Service to interact with and submit what-if submissions to the what-if engine. This submitter currently interacts with the WhatIf restful service. The primary reason for this is to combine the pipeline for what-if submissions. Later on when the WhatIf framework will provide a more generic service then we would call on that instead of the WhatIf restful service.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String PUSH_NEW_BRANCH_PARENTCHILD_BOOK_TASK
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • datastore

        protected datastore
      • whatIfWorkflow

        protected whatIfWorkflow
      • env

        protected org.springframework.core.env.Environment env
      • submissionManager

        protected submissionManager
    • Constructor Detail

      • BookParentChildWhatIfSubmitter

        public BookParentChildWhatIfSubmitter()
    • Method Detail

      • submitBranchFromTree

        public void submitBranchFromTree​(String definition,
                                         List<ParentChildNode<?>> flatParentChildTree,
                                         String user,
                                         String branch,
                                         LocalDate asOfDate)
                                  throws ParentChildWhatIfException
        This method provides a way to persist new branches created through the parent child service. Branches created through the parent child service may also persist new data by providing a non-empty flattened tree. The parentChildTree provided is assumed to ready "as is" and needs no additional checks to verify if a user can modify data within the tree. The only thing stopping the provided tree from being fully persisted if its corresponding nodes don't exist in the datastore. In that instance we don't provide a way for users to create new data and the node will be ignored. This method interacts with the what-if rest service as the what-if rest service provides a good pipeline for doing security checks and necessary manager operations to keep track of tasks submitted. This method throws a ParentChildWhatIfException if a user is forbidden from performing a what-if submission or if there was an internal error with the what-if pipeline. If a null or empty definition name is provided then the default task name: "New Branch" will be used if the map provided is empty or if not then "New Branch" will be used instead. Submission will be named: "New Branch Reorginization" if changes
        definition - The optional definition name. If null will use the defaults.
        flatParentChildTree - The tree meant to be persisted. Assumed "as is" and no verification will be performed.
        user - The user to perform this action for. Can be forbidden from doing the action.
        branch - The branch to persist the tree on.
        asOfDate - The asOfDate to persist the tree on.
        ParentChildWhatIfException - Indicates there was an error with persisting on the what-if engine. Can be an internal error or authorization issue.
        ParentChildWhatIfException - An exception thrown from the WhatIf engine. Can be a user authorization or internally thrown exception.
      • submitTreeUpdateForBranch

        public void submitTreeUpdateForBranch​(String submission,
                                              List<ParentChildNode<?>> flatParentChildTree,
                                              String user,
                                              String branch,
                                              LocalDate asOfDate)
                                       throws ParentChildWhatIfException
        This method provides a way to persist data changes on a currently existing branch through the parent child service. The parentChildTree provided is assumed to ready "as is" and needs no additional checks to verify if a user can modify data within the tree. The only thing stopping the provided tree from being fully persisted if its corresponding nodes don't exist in the datastore. In that instance we don't provide a way for users to create new data and the node will be ignored. This method interacts with the what-if rest service as the what-if rest service provides a good pipeline for doing security checks and necessary manager operations to keep track of tasks submitted. This method throws a ParentChildWhatIfException if a user is forbidden from performing a what-if submission or if there was an internal error with the what-if pipeline. If a null or empty definition name is provided then the default task name: "Simple Reorganization" will be used instead. Submission will be named: "Hierarchy Reorganization".
        submission - The optional submission name. If null will use the defaults.
        flatParentChildTree - The tree ment to be persisted. Assumed "as is" and no verification will be performed.
        user - The user to perform this action for. Can be forbidden from doing the action.
        branch - The branch to persist the tree on.
        asOfDate - The asOfDate to persist the tree on.
        ParentChildWhatIfException - Indicates there was an error with persisting on the what-if engine. Can be an internal error or authorization issue.
        ParentChildWhatIfException - An exception thrown from the WhatIf engine. Can be a user authorization or internally thrown exception.