Class RiskPostProcessorConfig

  • @Configuration
    public class RiskPostProcessorConfig
    extends Object
    Configuration of the operations performed after the initialisation of th ActivePivot manager
    • Field Detail

      • LOGGER

        protected static Logger LOGGER
      • env

        protected org.springframework.core.env.Environment env
        Spring environment, automatically wired
      • apConfig

        protected com.qfs.server.cfg.impl.ActivePivotConfig apConfig
        ActivePivot spring configuration
      • datastore

        protected datastore
      • fxRates

        protected IFXRates fxRates
      • tenorUtil

        protected ITenorUtil tenorUtil
      • customListenerInjections

        protected List<Consumer<>> customListenerInjections
    • Constructor Detail

      • RiskPostProcessorConfig

        public RiskPostProcessorConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • apManagerInitPrerequisitePluginInjections

        public void apManagerInitPrerequisitePluginInjections()
                                                       throws Exception
        Extended plugin injections that are required before doing the startup of the ActivePivot manager.
        Exception - any exception that occurred during the injection