Class SparseVectorCommitTimeUpdater

  • public class SparseVectorCommitTimeUpdater
    extends Object
    Listen for changes to a specified datastore and it's field. Once a commit has been performed then a ReadOnlySparseVector object is wrapped around the IVector. This step is necessary when using ReadOnlySparseVector type for fields the default AP IVector that an array is wrapped around does not know how to properly decode the "crunched" down array implementation used in the sparse array.
    • Field Detail

      • LOGGER

        protected static Logger LOGGER
    • Constructor Detail

      • SparseVectorCommitTimeUpdater

        public SparseVectorCommitTimeUpdater​( datastoreArg)
    • Method Detail

      • register

        public void register​(String storeName,
                             String field)
        Listen for changes to the specified datastore and it's field. Once a commit has been performed then a ReadOnlySparseVector object is wrapped around the IVector.
        storeName - the store which we will listen to
        field - the field of the store we will listen to.