Class TailMeasureCalc

    • Constructor Detail

      • TailMeasureCalc

        public TailMeasureCalc()
    • Method Detail

      • getRank

        protected double getRank​(int vectorSize,
                                 double quantile,
                                 String roundingMethod,
                                 String quantileToRank)
        Description copied from class: ATailMeasureCalc
        The position in the (sorted) PnL vector to use. If the returned value is not an integer, the two values either side are interpolated.
        Specified by:
        getRank in class ATailMeasureCalc
        vectorSize - The size of the PnL vector.
        quantile - the quantile, between 0 and 1 (equals 1 minus the confidence level).
        roundingMethod - rounding method level
        quantileToRank - quantile method level
        The position in the vector.