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Thrown when an AtotiClient identified by a serverKey is not provided via ClientsProvider.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof AtotiClientNotFoundError) {
// handle AtotiClientNotFoundError


Thrown when an HTTP status of 400 is received.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof BadRequestError) {
// handle BadRequestError


Thrown when no clients are found. They must be provided via ClientsProvider.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof ClientsNotFoundError) {
// handle ClientsNotFoundError


Thrown when no Configuration is found. It must be provided using ConfigurationContext.Provider.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof ConfigurationNotFoundError) {
// handle ConfigurationNotFoundError


Thrown when no ContentClient is found. It must be provided via ClientsProvider.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof ContentClientNotFoundError) {
// handle ContentClientNotFoundError


Thrown when an MdxSelect, an MdxSubSelect or an MdxDrillthrough does not specify the name of its target Cube.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof CubelessQueryError) {
// handle CubelessQueryError


Thrown when a Cube cannot be found. This can happen in particular when loading a saved widget after updating a cube's name on the server side.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof CubeNotFoundError) {
// handle CubeNotFoundError


Thrown when a DataModel identified by a serverKey is not found in the ClientsContext.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof DataModelNotFoundError) {
// handle DataModelNotFoundError


Thrown when a Dimension cannot be found in a Cube. This can happen in particular when loading a saved widget after updating a cube on the server side.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof DimensionNotFoundError) {
// handle DimensionNotFoundError


Thrown when a DataModel does not contain any cube. This can happen in particular when a user is not granted access to any cube.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof EmptyDataModelError) {
// handle EmptyDataModelError


Thrown when the license of a target Atoti server has expired.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof ExpiredLicenseError) {
// handle ExpiredLicenseError


Thrown when an HTTP status of 403 is received.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof ForbiddenError) {
// handle ForbiddenError


Thrown when a Hierarchy cannot be found in a Dimension. This can happen in particular when loading a saved widget after updating a cube on the server side.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof HierarchyNotFoundError) {
// handle HierarchyNotFoundError


Thrown when an HTTP status of 500 is received.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InternalServerError) {
// handle InternalServerError


Thrown when the conditional style of a field is invalid.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InvalidConditionalStyleError) {
// handle InvalidConditionalStyleError


Thrown when the content fetched from the Content Server is not a valid JSON object.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InvalidContentError) {
// handle InvalidContentError


Thrown when a dragged widget was dropped into a dashboard but did not have an initial state attached to it.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InvalidDraggedWidgetError) {
// handle InvalidDraggedWidgetError


Thrown when an Mdx is expected to represent a Filter but cannot be interpreted as such.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InvalidMdxFilterError) {
// handle InvalidMdxFilterError


Thrown when expression cannot be resolved as a member of cube cubeName.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InvalidMemberError) {
// handle InvalidMemberError


Thrown when a member has an empty namePath. This can happen in case of misconfiguration of a widget.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InvalidNamePathError) {
// handle InvalidNamePathError


Thrown when a ServiceVersion id is not valid.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InvalidServiceVersionIdError) {
// handle InvalidServiceVersionIdError


Thrown when a tuple key could not be parsed as a comma-separated list of member compound identifiers.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof InvalidTupleKeyError) {
// handle InvalidTupleKeyError


Thrown when no JWT is found. It must be provided using JwtProvider.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof JwtNotFoundError) {
// handle JwtNotFoundError


Thrown when a Level cannot be found in a Hierarchy. This can happen in particular when loading a saved widget after updating a cube on the server side.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof LevelNotFoundError) {
// handle LevelNotFoundError


Thrown when no logout callback is found. It must be provided using LogoutProvider.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof LogoutNotFoundError) {
// handle LogoutNotFoundError


Thrown when parsing an invalid Mdx query.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof MdxError) {
// handle MdxError


Thrown when the metadata file is missing or if the user does not have the permission to read it.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof MissingMetaDataError) {
// handle MissingMetaDataError


Thrown when an HTTP request does not trigger any response from the server. This happens when the target server is down.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof NoResponseError) {
// handle NoResponseError


Thrown when a plugin identified by a pluginKey is not found in the registry. This can be caused by the absence of a PluginProvider in the React tree, or by the fact that pluginKey is malformed and does not correspond to any provided plugin.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof PluginNotFoundError) {
// handle PluginNotFoundError


Thrown when Atoti Server responds to a query with an error message.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof QueryError) {
// handle QueryError


Thrown when an HTTP status of 404 is received.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError) {
// handle ResourceNotFoundError


Thrown when a Theme cannot be found. This can happen in particular if the user's theme setting references a theme which does not exist in configuration.themes. See Configuration.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof ThemeNotFoundError) {
// handle ThemeNotFoundError


Thrown when an HTTP status of 401 is received.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof UnauthorizedError) {
// handle UnauthorizedError


Thrown when a server version is unsupported.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof UnsupportedServerVersionError) {
// handle UnsupportedServerVersionError


Thrown when no User is found. It must be provided using UserProvider.

try {

} catch(error: Error) {
if(error instanceof UserNotFoundError) {
// handle UserNotFoundError