Interface IMaintenanceService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IMaintenanceService
Definition of a service performing maintenance operations on ActiveMonitor database.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    clearAlerts(long monitorId, boolean onlyStopped)
    Clear alerts associated to a specific monitor.
    clearEvents(long monitorId)
    Clear all events associated to a specific monitor regardless of their timestamp, as well as the alerts associated to them.
    clearEvents(long monitorId, TimePeriod timePeriod)
    Clear all events associated to a specific monitor for a given time period, as well as the corresponding alerts.
    clearEvents(String site, TimePeriod timePeriod)
    Clear all events of a given time period linked to any monitors on the specified site, as well as their associated alerts.
    Clear a list of events from the database, as well as all alerts associated to them.
    Clear events and their associated alerts from the database for every monitor, keeping only the latest one for each active distinct resource in each monitor.
    Clear the events and their associated alerts for all monitors on a particular site, keeping only the latest event for each active distinct resource in each monitor.
    clearEventsHistory(String site, long monitorId)
    Clear the events and their associated alerts for a particular monitor, keeping only the latest one for each active distinct resource.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • clearEvents Link icon

      void clearEvents(List<Long> events)
      Clear a list of events from the database, as well as all alerts associated to them.
      events - the ids of the events to clear
    • clearEvents Link icon

      void clearEvents(long monitorId)
      Clear all events associated to a specific monitor regardless of their timestamp, as well as the alerts associated to them.
      monitorId - the monitor id
    • clearEvents Link icon

      void clearEvents(long monitorId, TimePeriod timePeriod)
      Clear all events associated to a specific monitor for a given time period, as well as the corresponding alerts.
      monitorId - the monitor id
      timePeriod - the time period. The lower bound is inclusive, but the higher bound is exclusive.
    • clearEvents Link icon

      void clearEvents(String site, TimePeriod timePeriod)
      Clear all events of a given time period linked to any monitors on the specified site, as well as their associated alerts.
      site - the site
      timePeriod - the timePeriod. If null, events will be cleard regardless of their timestamp. The lower bound is inclusive, but the higher bound is exclusive.
    • clearEventsHistory Link icon

      void clearEventsHistory(String site, long monitorId)
      Clear the events and their associated alerts for a particular monitor, keeping only the latest one for each active distinct resource.
      site - the monitor's site
      monitorId - the monitor id
    • clearEventsHistory Link icon

      void clearEventsHistory(String site)
      Clear the events and their associated alerts for all monitors on a particular site, keeping only the latest event for each active distinct resource in each monitor.
      site - the site
    • clearEventsHistory Link icon

      void clearEventsHistory()
      Clear events and their associated alerts from the database for every monitor, keeping only the latest one for each active distinct resource in each monitor.
    • clearAlerts Link icon

      void clearAlerts(long monitorId, boolean onlyStopped)
      Clear alerts associated to a specific monitor.
      monitorId - the monitor id.
      onlyStopped - if true, only inactive alerts will be deleted. Otherwise, all alerts associated to the given monitor will be deleted.