Interface ISentinelEvent

All Superinterfaces:
IIdentifiable, ILocatedResource, ISiteLocated
All Known Implementing Classes:
EventDto, GroupedStreamInfo.PartialEvent, SentinelEvent, SingleStreamInfo

public interface ISentinelEvent extends ILocatedResource
Class representing a ActiveMonitor event.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getMonitorId Link icon

      long getMonitorId()
      Return the id of the monitor that produced the event.
      the id of the monitor
    • getUpdatedResource Link icon

      Map<String,String> getUpdatedResource()
      Gets a string representation of the updated resource.

      This does support a null value. It will be considered as a valid representation, meaning that all event with a null resource are considered as updates on the same resource.

      the updated resource
    • getTimestamp Link icon

      long getTimestamp()
      Return the timestamp in milliseconds when the action occurred.
      the timestamp in milliseconds
    • getPreviousStatus Link icon

      Double getPreviousStatus()
      Return the previous status of this event If null it means that the state has started.
      the previous status of the event
    • getStatus Link icon

      Double getStatus()
      Return the status of this event If null it means that the state has ended.
      the status of the event
    • getStates Link icon

      List<? extends ISentinelState> getStates()
      Gets the state of the event.
      the list of states representing the event state