Package com.qfs.repository
package com.qfs.repository
InterfacesClassDescriptionThe repository cache stocks into the
the values retrieved from the repository on some specific coordinates.The configuration object dedicated to theIDatastoreRepositoryCache
.A component in charge of intercepting the properties theLookUpPostProcessor
is initialized with.An event holding parameter changes.Interface for components dealing withIParameterEvent
.Configuration object dedicated to the store used by theIDatastoreRepositoryCache
.A stream that enables to notify listener for real time update.A point value whose coordinates are related to a specificIActivePivot
.Container for point value updates.The repository cache service.The daemon that connects to the repository to get all the parameters.A component in charge of managingIParameterChangeListener
for theIRepositoryService
.The repository result interface.Definition of a repository service.A daemon dedicated to theIRepositoryService
in charge of periodically checking effective parameters.