Interface IDatabaseSettings

public interface IDatabaseSettings
  • Field Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • maxSubQueriesAllowedInMultiStepQuery Link icon

      int maxSubQueriesAllowedInMultiStepQuery()
      A query clustered by too many fields or by fields with a high cardinality can be divided in lots of sub queries. To avoid creating too many queries on the external database, a limit is set on the number of those sub queries. This property sets the limit.

      It is recommended to be conservative when increasing the limit. See documentation for more details.

      Defaults to 500.

    • getByKeyBehavior Link icon

      While Get-by-key queries performed on the datastore are very fast, they can take a long time on external databases, solely due to the networking time. When performing a Get-by-key query through DirectQuery, the possible behaviors are denying, warning, or allowing the query to run.


    • useClusteringFields Link icon

      Returns whether clustering fields should be used for all queries or only for feeding queries.


    • feedingQueryTimeout Link icon

      Duration feedingQueryTimeout()
      Timeout (in seconds) which can be set on a query running on the external database during the feeding.

      Feeding queries are the ones run during the initial loading to feed the aggregate providers and hierarchies, and also during the refresh operations.

      It defaults to 1 hour and cannot be less than a second.

      This limit is only for external databases and does not impact queries on datastore.

      Warning: increasing this value might result in longer queries and higher costs.