Interface IDatabase

All Known Subinterfaces:
IDatastore, IDirectQueryDatabase, IInternalDatastore
All Known Implementing Classes:
Database, DatabaseAdapter, Datastore, NarrowedDatastore

public interface IDatabase
Definition of a component capable of providing data, at different versions in time.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getCurrentSchema Link icon

      IDatabaseSchema getCurrentSchema()
      Returns the schema of the database.
    • getQueryManager Link icon

      IQueryManager getQueryManager()
      Returns a component capable of compiling queries to run in the future or registering subscriptions to data.
    • getDataStreamer Link icon

      IDataStreamer getDataStreamer()
      Returns the component responsible for managing streaming from this Database.
    • getHeads Link icon

      Returns the latest version of each branch.

      The keys are the names of the branches.

    • getHead Link icon

      IDatabaseVersion getHead(String branchName) throws UnknownBranchException
      Gets the latest version in the given branch.
      branchName - the name of a branch, null to retrieve the most recent versions across heads
      UnknownBranchException - if the branch cannot be found
    • getMasterHead Link icon

      default IDatabaseVersion getMasterHead()
      Gets the latest version of the default (i.e. IEpoch.MASTER_BRANCH_NAME) branch.
      the head of the default branch
      See Also:
    • getVersion Link icon

      IDatabaseVersion getVersion(long epochId)
      Retrieves the version at the given epoch if there is one available.
      epochId - the id of the epoch at which to retrieve the version
      UnknownEpochException - if this version is no more available