
Specialized API for bulk operations.


A specialized version of the GET method that retrieves the structure and the content of several entries. |

Allows atomic retrieval of the structure and, if needed, the content of the subtrees with roots and heights specified by path and recursion parameters of the entries, respectively.

For each path the corresponding subtree height must be specified; if the height is less or equal to zero only the root itself is returned.

For file entries the height should be less or equal to zero.


A specialized version of the DELETE method that deletes atomically all the given entries.

If a path matches a directory, the directory all its sub-entries will also be deleted.

If the last element of a path is a wildcard (*), all the entries within the parent directory will be deleted, leaving an empty directory.


A specialized version of the PUT method that tries to create or update multiple files atomically.

This method does not allow to create directories. The contents of all provided entries must be non null.

Either all the entries or none of them are updated. The "throwNotFound" mode for this operation doesn't exist, because "Not Found" error is never encountered.


A specialized version of the POST method that tries to move atomically all the given entries.

For each underlying move, if the target path refers to an existing directory, the entry is moved with its current name to the existing directory. Otherwise, the entry is renamed and moved to the target path.

If intermediate directories are missing in the target paths, they will be created using the current user as the owner and reader.


API to create, update, move or delete entries under a given path.


Retrieves the entry found at the given path. If the entry is a directory, lists all its accessible children recursively by default.


Deletes an entry from the content server.

If the path is a directory all its sub-entries will also be deleted.

If the last element of the path is a wildcard (*), all the entries within the parent directory will be deleted, leaving an empty directory.


Creates an entry at the given path or updates an existing one


Creates a new entry in the specified folder, and let the server specify its name.

A specialized version of the PUT method that only updates the permissions of the entry at the given path.


Updates the permissions of an existing entry

A specialized version of the POST method that moves an entry to another path


Moves an entry to a different path

A specialized version of the POST method that imports a whole content service subtree at the given path in a single batch. If overwriting is allowed, conflicting entries in the content service (even directories as opposed to the putAll POST param) will be overwritten. The entries contained in the subtree to import can have different read/write permissions.


Import a whole content service subtree at the given path in a single batch.

This operation is atomic: either all the entries or none of them are imported in the content service.