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Deprecated features

This article lists the most impacting deprecated features of Atoti Server, so you can plan your migrations ahead of time. Deprecated features can be removed in a future minor version (6.X.0).

For a more complete list of deprecations, please read the changelog.

Deprecated features in 6.1

  • PIVOT-9004 Utilities methods in ICloudEntity and ICloudEntityPath to modify content on the cloud storage are deprecated.
  • PIVOT-10219 Deprecated ZeroVector. Please use the methods in SameValueVectorUtils to create such a vector, e.g. SameValueVectorUtils#doubleVector(10, 0.0).
  • PIVOT-5973 Alias on the measures contributors.COUNT and update.TIMESTAMP. Their captions can still be defined with MdxContext.setMeasureAliases.
  • PIVOT-10723 Distribution: Concealed measures are deprecated. They will be removed in 6.2.0."