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Migrate to 5.9

Java 8 is no longer supported. ActivePivot 5.9 is compatible with Java 11.


New Copper API

Shipped as an experimental feature in ActivePivot 5.8.3, the new Copper API is officially replacing the one released with ActivePivot 5.7.0, which is now abandoned.

Shift measure creation

The Copper shift measure creation methods have changed : CopperMeasure#at([...]) methods have been changed to a unified CopperMeasure#shift(CopperLevelsAt...) method. Find more information in our user guide for updated examples.

Parent Value

The method Copper.parentValue(measure, hierarchy) has been changed to measure.parentValueOn(hierarchy).

Setting the designated type of measure

To improve clarity, the method CopperMeasure#cast([...]) has been renamed to CopperMeasure#withType([...]).

Level and hierarchy representation

LevelCoordinate has been renamed and is now LevelIdentifier. HierarchyCoordinate has been renamed and is now HierarchyIdentifier.

Test jar

The Copper test utils that were previously packaged in a test-jar have been moved to their own module:


Spring Configuration Changes

Schema configuration

ActivePivotConfig now requires an IActivePivotManagerDescriptionConfig. IDatastoreDescriptionConfig was merged into IActivePivotManagerDescriptionConfig and IParameterAwareDatastoreDescriptionConfig was renamed IParameterAwareActivePivotManagerDescriptionConfig.

In IActivePivotManagerDescriptionConfig you must now implement userManagerDescription() (respectively named userSchemaDescription()) instead of managerDescription() (respectively schemaDescription()).

The way the description post-processors are applied has been changed. You are impacted if you explicitly build the Datastore or the ActivePivotManager in your project instead of using DatastoreConfig and ActivePivotConfig. In this case, define an IActivePivotManagerDescriptionConfig and give the results of the managerDescription() and schemaDescription() default methods to the builders.

IActivePivotConfig.activePivotManagerDescription() was removed and replaced by IActivePivotManagerDescriptionConfig.managerDescription().

CORS configuration

The CORS configuration now relies on Spring standards. Instead of our own ICorsFilterConfig that created a SpringCorsFilter, we moved to Spring CorsConfigurationSource. As internal components require a knowledge of the CORS configuration before we can define the actual CorsConfigurationSource, a new interface ICorsConfig has been introduced, detailing the information of a standard CORS configuration. This is used in internal services to create REST and WS services compatible with the configuration. This is used in the sandbox project to create the final CORS configuration.

ICorsConfig only requires you to define the list of allowed origins. The other methods provide the accepted and exposed headers the authorized methods. Those have default implementations compatible with the ActivePivot stack.

SpringCorsFilter has been deleted. Thanks to CorsConfigurationSource, Spring automatically creates the filter.


ActivePivotServicesConfig removes an internal attribute, creating an unused dependency to IDatastoreConfig. If needed, you can restore this dependency by extending the configuration class and restoring the attribute.

I18nConfig was renamed AI18nConfig. Many of the static methods have changed to instance methods to allow easier extensions and refinements.

Aggregation Procedures


The interface was slightly changed to support more features in Copper (getDatastorePrefetch and createContext). This change should be transparent for procedures extending AAnalysisAggregationProcedure.

Additional validation checks

To offer support for Aggregation Procedures depending on other Procedures, ActivePivot uses the property IAnalysisAggregationProcedureDescription#getUnderlyingLevels() to identify the dependencies between Procedures. This drives a change to the API, preventing Procedures to define their own handled levels in the list of underlying levels.

This constraint is enforced by the validation procedure of the description. Configurations may need to be updated. Particularly, in 5.8, you always had to define a handled hierarchy from builders. You can now avoid this with the method withoutHierarchies().

Option to disable the Epoch level

The epoch level of the epoch dimension can now be enabled or disabled. The epoch dimension is still enabled by default. The epoch level is now disabled by default. To enable it, use IEpochDimensionDescription.setEpochLevelEnabled(boolean) or IEpochDimensionBuilder.withEpochLevel.

The IEpochDimensionBuilder.withBranchesLevel method was renamed IEpochDimensionBuilder.withBranchLevel. The methods in IEpochDimensionDescription were also renamed from *epochsLevel* and *branchesLevel* (e.g. getEpochsLevelComparator or getBranchesLevelFormatter) to *epochLevel* and *branchLevel* (e.g. getEpochLevelComparator and getBranchLevelFormatter).

Distributed Cube no longer supports the epoch level

New default aggregation functions

Aggregation functions that maintain a history state, like AVG, MIN, or MAX are memory intensive. Thus, for the MIN and MAX aggregation functions, the new default behavior is append-only. This means that disaggregation is not supported for these two functions. For disaggregation support, please use MIN_HISTORY and MAX_HISTORY aggregation functions (e.g. value.MIN_HISTORY or value.MAX_HISTORY).

Default Distributed Message Size Limits

Previous ActivePivot versions had a maximum default distributed message size of 1GB for every message type. This limit has been reduced. The default maximum size is:

  • 64MB for IInitialDiscoveryMessage messages
  • 4MB for ITransactionCommittedMessage messages
  • 4MB for ScopedAggregatesRetrievalResultTransporter answers wrapped in BroadcastResult messages
  • 32MB for DrillthroughMessageWithHeadersAnswers answers wrapped in BroadcastResult messages
  • 2MB for any other message types

You can still override these values using the property NETTY_MAX_SIZE_PROPERTY of the ActiveViamProperty. In addition to the older configuration method using class names, it is possible to configure the message default size limit using the constants (enum) defined in NettyStreamUtils#MessageType as follows:

  • INITIAL_DISCOVERY_MESSAGE for initial discovery messages
  • ITRANSACTION_COMMITTED_MESSAGE for transaction commit message
  • SCOPEDAGGREGATES_RETRIEVAL_TRANSPORTER for single Gaq query result messages
  • DRILLTHROUGH_HEADER for drillthrough header query result messages
  • DRILLTHROUGH_MESSAGE_WITH_HEADERS_ANSWER for drillthrough query result messages
  • GLOBAL_MESSAGE for global configuration

For instance, the following statement used in prior versions:



+ -Dactiveviam.distribution.nettyMessageMaxSize=singleGaqResult=42m,initialDiscovery=200m


  • ALocationShiftPostProcessor#handleNoUnderlyingMeasure is renamed into ALocationShiftPostProcessor#handleNoUnderlyingMeasure to fix the typo - missing "g".


With the introduction of a new REST call to export query plans and another REST endpoint to forward client traces to a tracing server, the version of ActivePivot REST API has changed from v4 to v5. With the addition of the metadata to the WS updates of the Content Service entries, the WS API has changed from v4 to v5.

As components of the REST and WS API versions remain synchronized, these changes result in the following URL changes:


Impacted REST services:

  • ActivePivot services for queries, context configurations, etc
  • Datastore service for queries and updates
  • Content Service
  • Tracing Service

CSV Source

The CSV Source can now accept incomplete lines (where the number of columns is smaller than the expected number of attributes of a record). You can set this in CSVParserConfiguration's full constructor, or through its setAcceptIncompleteLines(boolean). It can finally be set through ParserContext#setAcceptIncompleteLines(boolean) method. This sets this property on its underlying CSVParserConfiguration.

You can also sample the input files to work on a small portion of the input files. The sampling policy is passed as an argument of type ICsvParserConfigPolicy to the constructor of CSVParserConfiguration, or using the method CSVParserConfiguration#setParserPolicy(ICsvParserConfigPolicy).
The Core Product ships basic policies to load the first lines of one or more files, or load a limited number of files. Those are available in ICsvParserConfigPolicy static methods.

Parquet Source

The Parquet Source benefited from the same sampling policies as the CSV Source. They implement IParquetReaderPolicy, that are passed in the constructor of ParquetParser. Like the CSV Source, basic policies are available in IParquetReaderPolicy to load a limited number of lines or files.

Other changes

  • LogWriteException is now a runtime exception. This exception is still thrown when an error occurs during the writing of the Transaction Log.
  • One of the signatures of ITransactionManager.performInTransaction was removed.