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Monitoring in DirectQuery


The APM module is tracing DirectQuery connector requests.
When enabled, APM produces a span tree for each request, describing all the executed sub-tasks.
These sub-tasks are tagged with additional information, such as the executed SQL query or the query id in the external database.
Each span tree can then be added to the logs or sent to a correlation server like Zipkin or simply logged.


Without tracing activated, DirectQuery provides some logging of the API and external queries.

Logger naming

To retrieve all the DirectQuery logs, the logger name should be "atoti.server.directquery".

As can be seen in the class, there are also some more granular loggers, to focus on one particular aspect of DirectQuery such as "atoti.server.directquery.incremental_refresh", ...

Here is the exhaustive list:

  • atoti.server.directquery
    • atoti.server.directquery.discovery
    • atoti.server.directquery.query_resolution
      • atoti.server.directquery.query_resolution.aggregate_table
      • atoti.server.directquery.query_resolution.time_travel
    • atoti.server.directquery.query_execution
    • atoti.server.directquery.query_handling

The logger names can be found in the com.activeviam.database.api.DatabaseLoggerConstants.class.

Logging Tags

SQL Queries are also augmented with tags in the logs, allowing to get more information about the query itself. In the log of a query, there is a map associating a tag with its value.

Here is a list of existing tags (note that only "category" will always be present)

  • "category": explains which type of queries it is; it could be for feeding a hierarchy, an aggregate provider, or a drillthrough query.
  • "pivot_name": the name of the pivot which originated the query.
  • "provider_name": the name of the aggregate provider, needing data.
  • "aggregate_table_name": the name of the aggregate table being queried.