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Java version compatibility

Atoti Server requires Java 21.

Memory Monitoring

Please note that to be able to be compatible with Java 17+, we are no longer reporting the off-heap memory allocated with java's internal MBeans. Instead, you can use the newly created MBeans located in DirectMemoryMonitoring for the information you wanted regarding memory consumption from Atoti. Additionally, MAC can be used for deeper investigations.

JVM Options

Atoti Server needs access to some internal modules to function properly, which are now protected since JDK 17, so the following argument is necessary:

--add-opens java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED

Additionally, to use Arrow as a source or an export format, the following option is required since JDK 17 by Arrow:

--add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED

This list is not exhaustive: we don't guarantee that it is enough to run Atoti Server. Our dependencies may require additional add-opens. Moving forward JDK versions, if you see in a stack trace that module XXX does not open YYY to an unnamed module, it means you are missing the JVM option --add-opens XXX/YYY=ALL-UNNAMED.