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Google Cloud Source

This documentation page assumes you are already familiar with the general structure of Cloud Sources in ActivePivot as well as with Google Cloud Storage.

The Google Cloud Source relies on Google Cloud Storage SDK for Java. Make sure you are familiar with this SDK when using the Google Cloud Source.

Cloud Source to Google Cloud Storage concepts


The Google implementation of ICloudEntity is GoogleEntity. It is essentially a wrapper around an object from the Google Cloud Storage SDK.

Locating entities

Entity paths

IGoogleEntityPath implements ICloudEntityPath. It is a reference to an object and its metadata.


The Google Cloud Storage implementation for ICloudDirectory is represented by the GoogleCloudDirectory implementation.

A directory is tied to a bucket. It contains all objects whose names start with a certain prefix. For example, a directory on a certain container with the prefix directory1/subdirectory2 would contain the first three of the following objects:


not inside:

A directory with an empty prefix corresponds to the root of the container.

A Google Cloud Storage directory object can be constructed by specifying the Storage client, a bucket name and a prefix.

The Storage client is the configuration of the connection to Google Cloud Storage. It can be configured as follows using the Google Cloud SDK.

Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuilder().setProjectId("myProject").build().getService();


To configure the CSV source to read Google object, you can use the GoogleCsvDataProviderFactory class to configure how the files are downloaded.